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Hoof Care for the Whole Horse

Give your horse the foundation they need for optimal wellness through compassionate and evidence based hoof care

  • Are you frustrated with your horse’s hooves and want help?

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to help improve something you don't know enough about but you have a gut feeling it can be better than it is. I can help you unravel that puzzle and understand the hooves better. The more you know the less frustrating it will be. ​


  • Do you feel like the root problem for your horse’s body issues or lameness is related to the hoof and are looking for answers?

You have​ done all the diagnostics, you are working with your veterinarian and care team, and you feel like there is still a problem with the hooves that is contributing to continued lameness or not reaching their true athletic potential. I can provide you with a fresh perspective and objective information that you can use to advocate for your horse. 


  • Are you trying to communicate with the professionals you work with to advocate for your horse but you aren’t making progress?

Communicating with another person in a place of perceived authority can be intimidating. You have the power to communicate, advocate, and make choices you feel are in your horse's best interest with the information that your team has provided you with. I can help you approach tough conversations that are honoring to all parties involved, especially the horse. 


  • Are you wanting to transition your horse to barefoot but don’t know the best pathway forward?

It is rarely as simple as just taking off the steel shoes that have been on your horse for years. Having a plan to make a transition to barefoot helps take some of the stress out of it for you and increases the chances of keeping your horse comfortable throughout the transition. Going barefoot doesn't have to be difficult for you or painful (there are exceptions) for the horse and knowing what tools are available to you and how to evaluated the time of year, workload, and overall conditions to make a transition are key to success. 


  • Are you wanting your horse to stay in shoes but they are currently destroying the hooves?

You have spent loads of money investing in shoes for your horse but the feet just fall apart and you keep loosing time with lost shoes and spending more money, or worse, your horse is lame. It doesn't have to be this way. I can help you look at the whole picture and re-evaluate the elements that you can control to help improve the hooves. 


  • Do you want to know more about hoof care?

Wading through the sea of information can feel daunting. Whether you are competing at FEI level or just bought your first horse, I can meet you where you are at and support your journey in learning more about hoof care that's supportive for the whole horse.  




Why does restoring function to the hooves matter?
Providing our horses with a more functional foundation improves posture, performance, and well being. 

What we know

 1 billion dollars


The amount of money horse caretakers are spending yearly on lameness

Injuries to the forelimb are in the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon

50 kilograms 

is how much extra force is exerted flexor tendons with every extra centimeter of toe longth


Of horses that are lame have back pain (Landman et al 2004)

We can do better for our horses


Hello and Welcome!

I am Kendra Skorstad. As a horse owner and former competitor myself, I have spent my life invested in learning about horses and, specifically, their hooves.


Supporting and educating my clientele has been at the forefront of my work with horses. It is my passion to empower horse owners with information so they can more confidently communicate with the professionals they employ and advocate for their horses.


I believe that through education and accountability we can improve the standard of hoof care and the lives of our horses. We ask so much of our horses, we can give  them a solid foundation for comfort and overall health through informed hoof care. I want every horse care taker to feel confident to ask questions and seek answers for their horses.  


Serving you and your horse will be my greatest joy. Please reach out with any questions you have and we will find a way to work together that best fits your needs. 


Kendra Skorstad





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Thank you for contacting me!

I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kendra Skorstad

Skorstad Farrier Service



© 2004 Skorstad Farrier Service. All rights reserved.

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